On an average day in fiscal year 2012,
- 12,287 inmates in city jails
- 57 percent are black, 33 percent Hispanic, 7 percent white, 1 percent Asian, and the rest other or unknown
- 93 percent are male
The average annual cost per inmate in 2012 was $167,731

Print version available here.
- 67% of the 70,328 teachers live within the five boroughs
- Teachers in Queens and the Bronx are the most likely to live outside the five boroughs
- 81% of Staten Island teachers live in the same borough as they work, as do 57% of Brooklyn teachers
- 66% of the 1,570 principals live within the five boroughs
- Principals in the Bronx and Queens are the most likely to live outside the five boroughs
- 69% of Staten Island principals live in the same borough as they work, as do 45% of Brooklyn principals

Print version available here.
New York City Independent Budget Office