Providing city officials & the public with nonpartisan information on the
NYC budget & economy

Featured Resources

Annual Budget Reports

Fiscal Year 2025

Highlights of Recent State Policy & Budget Impacts For New York City
July 25, 2024

Fiscal Year 2024

Testimony to the New York City Council on The Mayor's May 2024 Executive Budget
March 22, 2024

Details on IBO’s May 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecasts
May 22, 2024

Analysis of the 2025 Executive Budget and
Financial Plan by the Independent Budget Office

May 15, 2024

NYC Independent Budget Office Asylum Seeker Cost Projections
For Fiscal Years 2025 & 2026

May 15, 2024

Analysis of the 2025 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan by the Independent Budget Office

February 15, 2024

Focus on: The Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2025 Preliminary Budget
Februrary 2024

Focus on: The Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2024 November Plan
December 2023

Fiscal Year 2023

IBO's Testimony on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2024
May 23, 2023

Modest Economic Recovery,
With Persistent Budget Challenges

May 15, 2023

Snapshot: New York City Spending
For Asylum Seekers

May 8, 2023

Union Contracts to Increase Personnel Costs, Partially Offset by Low Headcount
April 10, 2023

DOE Needs Additional City Funding to Continue Programs Funded with Covid Aid, For Carter Cases, & More
March 15, 2023

Budget Eliminates Hundreds of Vacant School Safety Positions, Following More Than 20 Percent Decline in Safety Agent Staffing in City’s Public Schools Over Three Years
March 14, 2023

How Have City Costs for Homeless Shelters Changed With Shifts in State and Federal Support?
March 10, 2023

Testimony on the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget
For 2024 and Financial Plan through 2027

March 6, 2023

Snapshot: Key Findings From IBO's Latest Economic Forecast & Review of the Mayor's 2024 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan
February 9, 2023

Current Year Surplus Projected Despite Slowing Economy, Future Year Challenges Remain
December 19, 2022

Testimony on IBO’s Latest Economic Forecast &
The Mayor’s November Financial Plan

December 8, 2022

Fiscal Year 2022

Testimony to the New York City Council on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
May 24, 2022

Continued But Tempered Growth in Delicate Times: A Reestimate of the Mayor’s Executive Budget
May 16, 2022

Reports on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2023

Key Findings From IBO’s Latest Economic Forecast and Review of the Mayor’s 2023 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan
March 2, 2022

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2023

Webinar: Key Findings From Our Latest Economic Forecast &
Review of the November Financial Plan

January 25, 2022

A Forecast in Uncertain Times: Modest Budget Shortfalls Projected, But Risks To Outlook Increase as Infections Surge
January 4, 2022

Fiscal Year 2021

Double Shot: An Infusion of Federal Funds Boosts City’s Bottom Line, as Vaccines Bring Optimism for Economic Recovery
May 17, 2021

Reports on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
May 2021

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2022
February & March 2021

Hard Times Ahead?: While Projected Budget Gaps Are Modest, the Economic and Fiscal Risks NYC Faces Are Not
January 6, 2021

Budget Options for New York City

December 1, 2020

How Much Did the 2021 Adopted Budget Reduce Spending For the New York City Police Department?

August 18, 2020

Snapshot: IBO's Updated Economic and Revenue
Forecast and Review of the Adopted Budget for 2021

July 21, 2020

Fiscal Year 2020

Reports on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
May 2020

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
February & March 2020

Snapshot: Key Findings From IBO's Review of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2021
February 5, 2020

Revenues, Risks & Reserves: NYC’s Budget Remains Sound Despite Slowing Economy, Fiscal Perils from Albany & Beyond
December 23, 2019

Fiscal Year 2019

Testimony on the Executive Budget for 2020
May 23, 2019

Recession Ahead? While Concerns Mount, Projections Show Moderate Growth In NYC Tax Revenue for the Upcoming Years
May 15, 2019

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
March 2019

Still Rolling On: Slower Economic Growth Ahead,
But Tax Revenue Will Continue to Rise

December 20, 2018

Fiscal Year 2018

Testimony to the New York City Council
On the Mayor's 2019 Executive Budget

May 24, 2018

Tough Times Ahead? The City’s Fiscal Condition Is Stable, At Least for Now
May 15, 2018

Budget Options for New York City
April 5, 2018

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
February and March 2018

Disruption Ahead? NYC’s Current Fiscal Outlook Looks Stable,
But Federal Tax Overhaul & Budget Cuts Lurk

December 20, 2017

Fiscal Year 2017

Testimony on the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2018
May 25, 2017

Facing Continued Threats From Washington: Mayor’s Budget Maintains Substantial Reserves & Increases Local Spending
May 15, 2017

Budget Options for New York City
March 9, 2017

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2018
February & March, 2017

A Forecast in Uncertain Times:
Only Modest Budget Shortfalls Ahead Despite a Slowdown in Local Economic Growth
December 15, 2016; Mandated Report

Fiscal Year 2016

Reports on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2017
May & June, 2016

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2017
February & March, 2016

The Fiscal Year Ahead: Despite Diminishing Job Growth, Modest Gains in Tax Revenues, City Budget Remains Positive
December 21, 2015; Fiscal Outlook, 19 pages PDF

Budget Options for New York City
December 2, 2015; Report, 98 pages  PDF

Fiscal Year 2015

Reports on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2016
May & June, 2015

Reports on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2016
February & March, 2015

A Bright Budget Picture: Jobs Increasing, Tax Revenues Rising, Budget Gaps Shrinking
December 23, 2014;IBO Fiscal Outlook, 23 pages HTML   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
November 20, 2014;Report, 99 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2014

Testimony to the New York City Council on the Mayor's Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2015
June 6, 2014; Testimony, 3 Pages PDF

Reestimating the Mayor's Plan: An Analysis of the 2015 Executive Budget & Financial Plan Through 2018
May 23, 2014; Executive Budget Analysis, 17 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 and Financial Plan Through 2018
March 26, 2014; Annual Report, 51 Pages PDF

More Slots for More Hours, but No Summer Programs Under After-School Plan
March 24, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Reviewing the Changes in City Child Care Enrollment
March 21, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Increased Federal Appropriations Benefit City Housing Programs, Yet Gaps Remain
March 20, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget PDF

City Continues to Shoulder Largest Share of School Funding
March 19, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

City's Public Hospitals Continue to Face Fiscal Struggles
March 19, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Medicaid Waiver Funds May Not Be a Great Deal For The City
March 13, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Spending Increase in New Five-Year Capital For Schools Relies Heavily on Statewide Referendum
March 12, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Homeless Shelter Costs at Record Amounts, and Likely to Rise
March 10, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

Testimony to the New York City Council on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2015
March 5, 2014;  Testimony and Tables, 8 pages PDF

The Big Unknown: How Much Could Union Settlements Cost?
February 28, 2014; Focus On: The Preliminary Budget  PDF

For the New Mayor and City Council: A Big Budget Surplus and Even Bigger Fiscal Challenges Ahead
December 19, 2013; IBO Fiscal Outlook, 22 pages HTML   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
December 4, 2013; Report, 98 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2013

Testimony on On the Executive Budget for 2014 and Financial Plan
June 5, 2013; Testimony, 3 Pages  PDF

Reestimating the Mayor's Plan: An Analysis of the 2014 Executive Budget & Financial Plan Through 2017
May 21, 2013;  IBO Fiscal Brief, 10 pages  HTML   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
May 9, 2013; Report, 88 pages PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 and Financial Plan Through 2017
March 27, 2013; Annual Report, 67 Pages PDF

Testimony On the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 and Financial Plan through 2017
March 4, 2013; Testimony, 8 Pages PDF

From Superstorms to Labor Settlements: Despite Modest Budget Gap Projections, Significant Challenges Remain
December 27, 2012; Fiscal Outlook Report, 13 Pages    HTML PDF

Fiscal Year 2012

Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2013 Executive Budget
June 6, 2012; Testimony, 7 pages   PDF

Reestimating the Mayor's Plan: An Analysis of the 2013 Executive Budget & Financial Plan Through 2016
May 22, 2012; IBO Fiscal Brief   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
April 27, 2012; Report, 80 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2013
March 29, 2012;Report, 53 pages   PDF

Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2013 Preliminary Budget
March 5, 2012;Testimony and Tables, 7 pages PDF

At A Fiscal Crossroads: While Moderate Economic Growth Helps Shrink Budget Gaps, Reasons for Concern Remain
December 22, 2011; Fiscal Outlook, 12 pages PDF

Fiscal Year 2011

Reestimating the Mayor's Plan: An Analysis of the 2012 Executive Budget & Financial Plan Through 2015
May 24, 2011; Mandated Report, 9 pages plus supplemental tables PDF

Budget Options for New York City
April 5, 2011; Report, 72 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2012
March 17, 2011; Report, 63 pages   PDF

Budget Challenges Ahead: While Tax Revenues Improve, Cuts In State Aid Could Widen Gaps
December 20, 2010 Fiscal Outlook, 9 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2010

Testimony to the New York City Council on Mayor Bloomberg's 2011 Executive Budget
June 7, 2010;Testimony, 3 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2011
May 2010; Mandated Report, 6 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2011 and Financial Plan Through 2014
March 26, 2010;Report, 61 pages   PDF

Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2011 Preliminary Budget
March 4, 2010;Testimony and Tables, 7 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 12, 2010; Report, 69 pages   PDF

A Cautiously Better Outlook: Fewer Job Losses, Higher Tax Revenues
December 3, 2009; Fiscal Outlook, 12 pages PDF

Fiscal Year 2009

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2010
May 20, 2009; Mandated Report, 6 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2010 and Financial Plan through 2013
March 30, 2009; Report, 62 pages   PDF

Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2010 Preliminary Budget
March 9, 2009;   Testimony and Tables, 8 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 11, 2009; Report, 78 pages   PDF

As Economy Worsens, City's Budget Gaps Swell
January 8, 2009;Fiscal Outlook, 6 pages plus supplemental tables   PDF

Fiscal Year 2008

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2009
May 20, 2008; Mandated Report, 6 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2009 and Financial Plan through 2012
March 24, 2008; Report, 60 pages   PDF

Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2009 Preliminary Budget
March 4, 2008; Testimony and Tables, 9 pages PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 13, 2008; Report, 74 pages   PDF

Tax Revenues Slip, Labor Costs Rise: City's Fiscal Outlook Dims
January 7, 2008; Fiscal Outlook, 5 pages plus supplemental tables   PDF

Fiscal Year 2007

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2008
May 15, 2007; Mandated Report, 9 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2008 and Financial Plan through 2011
March 23, 2007; Report, 160 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 9, 2007; Report, 66 pages   PDF

City's Fiscal Picture Continues To Brighten
January 2007; Fiscal Outlook Report   PDF

Fiscal Year 2006

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2007
May 23, 2006; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2007
March 27, 2006; Report, 133 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2007
March 6, 2006;Overview, 9 pages PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 16, 2006; Report, 69 pages PDF

An Improving Fiscal Climate Presents New Challenges
December 2005; Fiscal Report   PDF

Fiscal Year 2005

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2006
May 15, 2005; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2006 and Financial Plan through 2009
March 23, 2005; Mandated Report, 154 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 15, 2005;Report, 80 pages   PDF

A Brighter Fiscal Picture, But Reasons for Caution
December 2004; 4 pages and supplemental tables   PDF

Fiscal Year 2004

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2005
May 15, 2004; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2005 and Financial Plan through 2008
March 15, 2004; Mandated Report, 123 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 12, 2004; Report, 76 pages   PDF

Despite Economic Upturn, City Still Faces Budget Shortfalls
December 2003; 4 pages and supplemental tables   PDF

Fiscal Year 2003

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2004
May 15, 2003; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2004 and Financial Plan Through 2007
March 31, 2003; Mandated Report, 105 pages   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
February 6, 2003;Report, 66 pages   PDF

Despite Property Tax Increase Large 2004 Budget Gap Remains
December 2002; 4 pages and supplemental tables   PDF

Tax Revenue Update: Dimmer for 2003, But a Little Brighter in 2004-2006
November 2002; 7 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2002

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2003
May 15, 2002; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Budget Options for New York City
April 23, 2002; Report, 43 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2003 and Financial Plan Through 2006
March 29, 2002; Mandated Report, 98 pages   PDF

Tax Revenue Update: City Faces Significant Shortfalls from Adopted Budget
November 16, 2001;  Fiscal Brief, 9 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2001

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2002
May 15, 2001; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2002 and Financial Plan Through 2007
March 23, 2001; Mandated Report, 96 pages   PDF

Testimony to the City Council Finance Committee on Projected Revenues, Expenditures and Budget Gaps
March 5, 2001; Testimony, 5 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 2000

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2001
May 20, 2000; Mandated Report, 24 pages   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2001
March 27, 2000; Mandated Report, 84 pages   PDF

New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 2000 Through 2003
January 18, 2000; Mandated Report, 36 pages   PDF

Fiscal Year 1999

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2000
May 15, 1999; Mandated Report   PDF

IBO's Analysis of Mayor's Budget Finds Cause for Short-Term Optimism, Longer-Term Challenges Remai
April 5, 1999; Newsfax Article   PDF

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2000
March 23, 1999; Mandated Report, 59 pages   PDF

New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 1999 through 2002
January 25, 1999;Mandated Report   HTML

Fiscal Year 1998

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 1999
May 1998; Mandated Report HTML

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget: IBO's Reestimate of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1999 and Financial Plan through 2002
March 23, 1998;  HTML

New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 1998 through 2001
January 1998;Mandated Report HTML

Fiscal Year 1997

Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 1998
May 27, 1997; Mandated Report HTML

Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1998
March 21, 1997; Mandated Report   HTML

The Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1998 and Financial Plan Through 2001
March 19, 1997; Testimony   HTML

New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 1997 Through 2000
February 14, 1997; Mandated Report   HTML

Preview of IBO's Fiscal Outlook Report
February 12,1997; Newsfax Article   HTML

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