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With this latest edition, we are transforming our annual volume of budget options to a web-based publication. This allows us to update options in real time due to fiscal, political, or other changes—rather than on an annual basis—and also makes it easier to navigate among the more than 90 budget options, including nine options presented now for the first time. We will continue to publish an annual edition with newly presented options.
For this edition, a number of options have also been updated, with the year of the update noted at the bottom of the page. Overall, the format remains the same as in past versions of the publication: each revenue or savings option is briefly described, its budget effect estimated, and side-by-side arguments displayed for and against each proposal.
IBO neither supports nor rejects the budget options presented here. Our role is to examine options and make estimates of potential savings or revenues—not to make recommendations.
To view the new budget options, click on the "New Options" heading below and they will open in pdf format. To view previous options, click on the subheads below and a set of related options will open in pdf format. If you wish to open and print the entire volume at once, click here.
To comment on the options or if you have suggestions for future editions, you can post ideas to our Facebook page or email us if you prefer.