Fiscal Outlook
back to top |
As Economy Worsens,
City's Budget Gaps Swell
January 8, 2009; Fiscal Outlook (6 pages, plus supplemental
tables - PDF Format)
Tax Revenues Slip, Labor Costs Rise: City’s Fiscal Outlook Dims
January 7, 2008; Fiscal Outlook (5 pages, plus supplemental
tables - PDF Format)
City's Fiscal Picture Continues To Brighten (PDF Format)
January 2007; Fiscal Outlook Report
An Improving Fiscal Climate Presents New Challenges (PDF Format)
December 2005; Fiscal Report
A Brighter Fiscal Picture, But Reasons for Caution (PDF Format)
December 2004; (4 pages and supplemental tables) |
Despite Economic Upturn, City Still Faces Budget Shortfalls (PDF
Format) December 2003; (4 pages and supplemental tables) |
Despite Property Tax Increase Large 2004 Budget Gap Remains (PDF
Format) December 2002; (4 pages and supplemental tables) |
Tax Revenue Update: Dimmer for 2003, But a Little Brighter in 2004-2006
(PDF Format) November 2002; (7 pages) |
Tax Revenue Update: City Faces Significant Shortfalls from Adopted Budget
(PDF Format) November 16, 2001; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages |
New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 2001 through 2004 (PDF Format)
January 23, 2001; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
New York City's Fiscal Outlook for 2000 through 2003 (PDF Format)
January 18, 2000; Mandated Report, 36 pages |
Mayor's Preliminary
Budget back to
top |
Analysis of the Mayor's
Preliminary Budget for 2009 and Financial Plan through 2012 (PDF Format) March 24, 2008; Report, 60 pages |
Testimony to the New York City Council on the 2009 Preliminary Budget
(PDF Format) March 4, 2008; Testimony and Tables,
9 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2008 and Financial Plan through
2011 (PDF Format) March 23, 2007; Report, 160 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2007 (PDF Format)
March 27, 2006; Report, 133 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2006 and Financial Plan through
2009 (PDF Format) March 23, 2005; Mandated Report, 154
pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2005 and Financial Plan through
2008 (PDF Format) March 15, 2004; Mandated Report, 123
pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2004 and Financial Plan Through
2007 (PDF Format) March 31, 2003; Mandated Report, 105
pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2003 and Financial Plan Through
2006 (PDF Format) March 29, 2002; Mandated Report, 98
pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2002 and Financial Plan Through
2005 (PDF Format) March 23, 2001; Mandated Report, 96
pages |
Testimony to the City Council Finance Committee on Projected Revenues,
Expenditures and Budget Gaps (PDF Format) March 5, 2001;
Testimony, 5 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 2001 (PDF Format)
March 27, 2000; Mandated Report, 84 pages |
Mayor's Executive
Budget back to
top |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2009 (PDF Format)
May 20, 2008; Mandated Report, 6 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2008 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2007; Mandated Report, 9 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2007 (PDF Format)
May 23, 2006; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2006 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2005; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2005 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2004; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2004 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2003; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2003 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2002; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2002 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2001; Mandated Report, 4 pages plus supplementary tables |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2001 (PDF Format)
May 15, 2000; Mandated Report, 24 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor’s Executive Budget for 2000 May 15, 1999;
Mandated Report |
Budget Process
back to top |
Budget Options for New York City February
13, 2008; (74 pages, Report - PDF Format) |
Dawn of a New Era: New York City Fiscal Policy After(?) the Financial Emergency
Act (PDF Format) November 8, 2007; Background Paper
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February 9, 2007;
Report, 66 pages |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February 16,
2006; Report, 69 pages |
The Charter Revision Commission's Preliminary Recommendations on Fiscal
Stability (PDF Format) June 27, 2005; Testimony, 2
pages |
Comments to the Charter Revision Commission on the Expiration of the Financial
Emergency Act (PDF Format) March 23, 2005; Testimony, 2
pages |
Intro 584 and the Collection and Use of Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PDF
Format) March 22, 2005; Testimony, 2 pages |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February 15,
2005; Report, 80 pages |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February 12,
2004; Report, 76 pages
Proposed Charter Revisions to Eliminate the Preliminary Mayor's Management
Report (PDF Format) October 16, 2003; Testimony, 2
Principles for MTA Budget and Financial Reporting (PDF Format)
July 28, 2003; Letter, 12 pages |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February
6, 2003; Report (66 pages) |
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide to the Capital Budget
(PDF Format) November 2002; (16 pages) |
The Road to Adopting New York City's Budget (PDF Format) June
2004; Illustrated Guide, 2 pages
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) April 23,
2002; Report (43 pages) |
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide (PDF Format)
November 28, 2001; Report, 16 pages
Summary of the New York City Financial Plan December 2000;
Report, 4 pages |
Adopted Budget
back to top |
Confronting the Budget Shortfall: How Bad Are the Gaps? (PDF Format)
January 7, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide (PDF Format)
November 28, 2001; Report, 16 pages
Capital Budget
(see also Debt Policy)
back to top |
Capital Spending by Community
Board and Project Type (PDF Format)
March 24, 2008; Memo, 4 pages, plus supplemental tables
Higher Costs, Delays in
Amended School Construction Plan
March 18, 2008; (8 pages, plus supplemental tables - PDF Format)
Mapping the Mayor's Housing Plan: Units
by Location and Program (PDF Format)
March 4, 2008; Maps, 9 pages
The Mayor’s New Housing Marketplace Plan: Progress to Date And Prospects for
Completion (PDF Format) November 9, 2007; Fiscal Brief,
14 pages
Mayor’s Housing Plan: Progress to Date; Prospects for Completion (PDF
Format) November 9, 2007; Newsfax Article, 3 pages
Croton Filtration Plant Budget Summary (PDF Format) September
2007; Table, 1 page
Does City Capital Spending Match the 10-Year Strategy? (PDF Format)
February 2007; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
Capital Construction Contracts and the Bidding Proccess, Changes, and Defaults
(PDF Format) June 19, 2006; Letter, 5 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Mets Stadium (PDF Format)
April 20, 2006; Memo, 6 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Yankee Stadium (PDF Format)
April 10, 2006; 5 pages
How Much Is Too Much? Debt Affordability Measures for the City (PDF
Format) April 2006; Fiscal Brief, 17 pages |
Follow the Money: Were School Construction Dollars Spent as Planned?
(PDF Format) September 22, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages
Supplementary Table:
Detailed Table on Planned vs. Actual School Construction Spending
City's $17 Billion Water & Sewer Plan—Balancing Risks and Costs (PDF
Format) May 5, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages
Evaluation of the Performance of the Department of Design and Construction in
Improving the Speed and Cost-Efficiency of Capital Construction Projects
(PDF Format) March 29, 2004; Memo, 6 pages
School Capital Plan Counts on More Seats, Falling Enrollment to Ease
Overcrowding (PDF Format) December 11, 2003; Newsfax
Article |
Priorities Shift in City's Plans for Spending on Housing (PDF Format)
December 4, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Fewer Funds, Shifting Priorities: The City's Capital Construction and Financing
Program (PDF Format) April 9, 2003; (6 pages) |
School System Delays Plan for 7,400 New Seats for Students (PDF Format)
November 7, 2002; Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
Supplemental Tables
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide to the Capital Budget
(PDF Format) November 2002; (16 pages) |
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide (PDF Format)
November 28, 2001; Report, 16 pages
HPD's Capital Budget (PDF Format) December 2000;
Letter, 6 pages |
HPD's Capital Budget for In-Rem Privatization (PDF Format)
December 2000; Letter, 4 pages |
Analysis of the Mayor's Executive Budget Capital Plan for 2001-2004 (PDF
Format) June 5, 2000; Publication, 32 pages |
MTA Capital Plan April 17, 2000; Newsfax Article |
back to top |
The Rising Cost of the City’s Juvenile Justice System (PDF Format)
December 18, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
Alternative to Jail Programs for Juveniles Reduce City Costs (PDF
Format) July 11, 2006; Newsfax Article |
State Saves as City Bears Added Jail Costs for Felony Cases (PDF Format)
September 29, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages
Supplementary Table:
Selected statistics on arrests, felonies, jail time, and related data
City to Spend Nearly $1 Billion to Make Temporary Jail Beds Permanent
(PDF Format) May 4, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Council Pushes Plan for Corrections' Retirement Benefits May
24, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Cost of Pre-Trial Detention in City Jails Takes Bite Out of Big Apple's Budget
January 24, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Debt Policy
(see also Capital Budget)
back to top |
How Much Is Too Much? Debt Affordability Measures for the City (PDF
Format) April 2006; Fiscal Brief, 17 pages |
Atlantic Yards: A Net Fiscal Benefit for the City? (PDF Format)
September 2005; Fiscal Brief, 12 pages
Supplementary Table:
Detailing annual fiscal impact over 30 years
The Long-Term Costs and Benefits of the New York Sports and Convention Center
(PDF Format) February 10, 2005; Background Paper, 7 pages |
West Side Financing's Complex, $1.3 Billion Story (PDF Format)
August 2004; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
City's $17 Billion Water & Sewer Plan—Balancing Risks and Costs (PDF
Format) May 5, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages
Understanding New York City's Budget: A Guide to the Capital Budget
(PDF Format) November 2002; (16 pages) |
Learning from Experience: A Primer on Tax Increment Financing
(PDF Format) September 25, 2002; Fiscal Brief (7 pages) |
City's Plan for Using Tobacco Settlement Revenues (PDF Format)
May 10, 2002; Letter (2 pages) |
Stock Exchange Project: City Board To Vote On Financing (PDF Format)
November 8, 2001; Newsfax Article |
The Transportation Infrastructure Bond Act of 2000 (PDF Format)
October 2000; Report, 10 pages |
MTA Capital Plan April 17, 2000; Newsfax Article |
back to top |
Tax Revenue Update: City Faces Significant Shortfalls from Adopted Budget
(PDF Format) November 16, 2001; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages |
Big City, Big Bucks: NYC's Changing Income Distribution (PDF Format)
June 12, 2000; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages |
Economic Development
(see also Housing & Community Development; Capital Budget)
back to top |
Costs and Savings from
Subsidies and Exemptions for New Yankees and Mets Stadiums
January 14, 2009; (PDF Format) Tables, 2 pages |
With Changes to Commercial
Property Tax Program, Breaks Will Not be as Costly for the City (PDF
August 28, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages, plus supplement
Testimony Regarding the Madison Square Garden Property Tax Exemption (PDF
Format) January 9, 2008; Testimony, 2 pages
Atlantic Yards Tax Exempt Financing (PDF Format) September 21,
2007; Letter, 2 page |
Foregone City, State, and Federal Revenue from Use of Tax-Exempt Bonds for New
Yankee Stadium (PDF Format) August 9, 2007; Letter, 1
page |
Yankee Stadium Update (PDF Format) July 19, 2007;
Letter, 1 page |
Twenty-Five Years After S7000A: How Property Tax Burdens
Have Shifted in New York City
(PDF Format) December 2006; Report, 61 pages |
Recent Hudson Yards and Number 7 Extension Agreements
(PDF Format) October 10, 2006; Testimony, 3 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Mets Stadium (PDF Format)
April 20, 2006; Memo, 6 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Yankee Stadium (PDF Format)
April 10, 2006; 5 pages
The Need for Office Space and Rebuilding the World Trade Center Site
(PDF Format) March 13, 2006; Letter, 6 pages |
Atlantic Yards: A Net Fiscal Benefit for the City? (PDF Format)
September 2005; Fiscal Brief, 12 pages
Supplementary Table:
Detailing annual fiscal impact over 30 years
Public Subsidies and Benefits for the Atlantic Yards Project (PDF Format) May 26, 2005; Testimony, 5 pages |
The Madison Square Garden Tax Exemption (PDF Format) March 22,
2005; Testimony, 2 pages |
Letter to the New York Jets Objecting to the Team's Newest TV Ad (PDF
Format) March 17, 2005; Letter, 1 page |
The Long-Term Costs and Benefits of the New York Sports and Convention Center
(PDF Format) February 10, 2005; Background Paper, 7 pages |
West Side Financing's Complex, $1.3 Billion Story (PDF Format)
August 2004; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
Supply & Demand: City and State May Be Planning Too Much Office Space
(PDF Format) August 2004; Background Paper, 6 pages
West Side Stadium: Touchdown for the City? (PDF Format) July 1,
2004; Newsfax Article |
Estimating the Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the New York Sports and Convention
Center (PDF Format) July 1, 2004; Background Paper, 11
Intro. 373 and Shortcomings in Current Reporting Requirements on the City's
Business Retention and Creation Incentives (PDF Format) June 9,
2004; Testimony, 3 pages
Learning from Experience: A Primer on Tax Increment Financing
(PDF Format) September 25, 2002; Fiscal Brief (7 pages) |
Improving the Local Law 69 Reports to Better Assess the City's Busniess
Retention and Attraction Deals (PDF Format) June 11, 2002;
Testimony, 3 pages
Plans for Using Special Federal Community Development Funds Allocated to the
City After September 11 (PDF Format) April 23, 2002;
Letter (4 pages) |
Stock Exchange Project: City Board To Vote On Financing (PDF Format)
November 8, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Full Disclosure? Assessing City Reporting on Business Retention Deals
June 2001; Report, 12 pages |
Home Base for Mets and Yankees Fans September 28, 1998;
Fiscal Brief |
Public Financing of Professional Baseball Stadiums June 11,
1998; Testimony |
Double Play: The Economics and Financing of Stadiums for the Yankees and Mets
April 1998; Fiscal Brief |
back to top |
The School
Accountability Initiative: Totaling the Cost
November 13, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages, plus supplement
Higher Costs, Delays in
Amended School Construction Plan
March 18, 2008; (8 pages, plus supplemental tables - PDF Format)
School Funding
Since 1990 (PDF Format)
March 13, 2008; Table, 1 page |
Testimony to the New York
City Council on School Governance (PDF Format)
March 3, 2008; Testimony, 2 pages |
New Funding Formula Seeks to Alter School Budget Disparities (PDF
Format) October 10, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 11 pages |
Contributing Factors: Disparities In 2005 Classroom Spending (PDF
Format) October 10, 2007; Background Paper, 13 pages |
Class Sizes in Grade K-8 in School Years 2006-07 and 2005-06 (PDF
Format) September 24, 2007; Tables, 1 page |
Are City Vocational Education High Schools Being Left Behind? (PDF
Format) August 9, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages
The Cost of Reducing Class Sizes in Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades,
(PDF Format) July 31, 2006; Letter, 4 pages |
Tuition a Rising Share of CUNY Revenue as State Share Falls
July 2006; Fiscal Brief (5 pages, plus supplemental
tables - PDF Format)
Follow the Money: Were School Construction Dollars Spent as Planned?
(PDF Format) September 22, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages
Supplementary Table:
Detailed Table on Planned vs. Actual School Construction Spending
Average Class Sizes in Grades K-3, Updated Data (PDF Format)
September 7, 2005; Tables |
Lawsuit Remains Unsettled, But School Spending Continues to Rise (PDF
Format) July 20, 2005; Newsfax Article
Supplementary Table:
Details of 15-Year School Spending
City Labor Costs: Growth Rate Slows, For Now (PDF Format)
January 25, 2005; Newsfax Article |
Go Figure: How a Bigger Education Budget Became Less Money for Schools
(PDF Format) October 26, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Analysis of 2003-2004 School Year K-3 Class Size Data (3 pages -PDF
Format) July 19, 2004; Letter
Supplemental Tables
(3 pages -PDF Format)
Settling School Finance Suit May Cost City Millions (PDF Format)
May 27, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Can Schools' ESL and Bilingual Programs Make the Grade? (PDF Format)
April 1, 2004; Newsfax Article |
School Capital Plan Counts on More Seats, Falling Enrollment to Ease
Overcrowding (PDF Format) December 11, 2003; Newsfax
Article |
Despite Free Space in some Middle Schools, Many Packed Classrooms (PDF
Format) October 31, 2003; Newsfax Article
Supplement: Average
6th to 8th Grade Class Size by Region and District
Five Year, $3.7 Billion School Spending Rise: Where Did It Go? (PDF
Format) September 30, 2003; Newsfax Article |
No Cents? Federal Subsidies for School Repairs Forfeited (PDF Format)
July 10, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Is the City Complying with the State's New Education Spending Requirement?
(PDF Format) July 2, 2003; Testimony, 3 pages
Albany Budget Relief: How Much in City Gap-Closing Help? (PDF Format)
June 5, 2003; Fiscal Brief
Supplement: What the
Income Tax Changes Mean to New York City Filers
School System Delays Plan for 7,400 New Seats for Students (PDF Format)
November 7, 2002; Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
Supplemental Tables
The Cost of an Adequate Education for the City's Students (PDF Format)
September 23, 2002; Testimony, 3 pages
K-3 Class Size Drops, But 77,500 Children Still in Classes with Over 25 Students
(PDF Format) September 19, 2002; Newsfax Article
Supplemental Table: Variations
in K-3 Class Size by School District
Schools' Budget: One-Shots Now, Cuts Later? (PDF Format) August
9, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Report Card on 2001-2002 School Year Spending: A Modest Rise Is Not Enough to
Prevent Classroom Cuts (PDF Format) July 3, 2002;
Newsfax Article |
Estimate of Differences in Per-Pupil Spending Between NYC and High-Performing
School Districts Statewide (PDF Format) February 15, 2002;
Letter, 2 pages
School Construction Costs Soar More than 70 Percent Since 1999 (PDF
Format) plus More School Budget Blues February 4, 2002;
Newsfax Article |
$32 Million Intended for Pre-K Used to Close City Budget Gap (PDF
Format) January 7, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Back-to-School Budget Blues (PDF Format) August 30, 2001;
Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
Supplemental School Budget Table (2 pages - 59K PDF)
A Statistical Portrait of Uncertified Teachers in New York City Schools
June 2001; Report, 8 pages |
Governor's Co-STAR Plan Would Shortchange New York City (PDF Format)
April 4, 2001; Newsfax Article |
City to Lose Pre-K Aid (PDF Format) February 28, 2001;
Newsfax Article |
City Spending on Schools Rising: Where the Funding Comes From, and Where it Goes
(PDF Format) January 30, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Supplementary Table: Board of Education Funding, Fiscal Years 1990-2000
(MS Excel 97 Format)
NYC Board of Education Funding Update December 13, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
BOE Misses Pre-K Goal (PDF Format) September 29, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Expanding Yellow School Bus Service: Fiscal Impact of Three Proposed Policy
Changes (PDF Format) September 2000; Report, 15 pages |
Letter to Educational Priorities Panel: Updated cost estimates for adding
school capacity (PDF Format) August 2000; Letter, 4
pages |
PreKindergarten Update July 31, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Smaller Class Sizes, Larger Capital Needs February 7, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Elections and Campaign
Finance back to
top |
Cost of Adding Judges to Campaign Finance Program (PDF Format)
September 17, 2004; Letter, 3 pages
Down for the Count? The New York City Board of Elections (PDF Format)
March 6, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Estimated Cost of Public Funding of 2001 Elections (PDF Format)
February 20, 2001; Letter (3 pages) |
back to top |
Water and Sewer Rates:
Factors Driving the Increases and Options for Reductions (PDF Format)
May 5, 2008;
Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
Updated: Croton Filtration Plant Budget Summary (PDF Format)
December 13, 2007; Tables, 3 pages
Croton Filtration Plant Budget Summary (PDF Format) September
2007; Table, 1 page
More Recycling Needed to Help Lower City’s Trash Costs (PDF Format)
May 1, 2007; Newsfax, 3 pages |
Review of Recent Brownfields Grant-Funded Spending in New York City
(PDF Format) October 20, 2006; Letter, 5 pages |
Expansion of the Bottle Bill and the Return of Unclaimed Deposits to
Municipalities (PDF Format) June 3, 2004; Testimony, 2
City's $17 Billion Water & Sewer Plan—Balancing Risks and Costs (PDF
Format) May 5, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages
Will New State Law Help Reclaim New York's Brownfields? (PDF Format)
December 1, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages
Getting the Lead Out: The Fiscal Impact of Intro 101A, the New York City
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 2003 (PDF Format)
June 18, 2003; Fiscal Impact Statement, 28 pages
Volume of "MGP" Recyclables to Drop 80 Percent, City Saves $40 Million
(PDF Format) July 18, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Status of Spending on Catskill/Delaware Watershed Protection (PDF
Format) March 18, 2002; Letter (7 pages) |
City Facing Water Restrictions (PDF Format) February 25, 2002;
Newsfax Article |
An Overview: The Waste Stream Managed by the NYC Department of Sanitation
(PDF Format) February 2001; Report (34 pages) |
Closing Fresh Kills Means Mounting Costs to Dispose of New York City's Garbage
(PDF Format) February 5, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Supplementary Table: Detailed Summary of Individual Interim Export Contracts
Timeline for Completion of Linden, New Jersey Enclosed Barge Unloading Facility
Letter (PDF Format) November 24, 2000; Letter, 4 pages |
The Impact Of Catskill/Delaware Filtration On Residential Water And Sewer
Charges In New York City (PDF Format) November 14, 2000;
Report, 11 pages |
Federal and State Aid
Policy back to
top |
Estimates of Average Fares and Tolls Based on The MTA's November Proposals(PDF Format)
December 9, 2008; Two letters, 7 pages |
MTA Wants More Public
Subsidies, But How Much Does It Get Now? (PDF Format)
August 14,
Newsfax, 3 pages |
Federal Medicaid Changes
Pose Major Budget Risks to the City's Hospitals (PDF Format) May 13,
Newsfax, 3 pages |
School Funding
Since 1990 (PDF Format)
March 13, 2008; Table, 1 page |
Larger City Subsidy Saves Public
Hospitals, For Now (PDF Format)
March 11, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
Most Food Stamp Recipients no Longer Also Welfare Recipients
January 16, 2008; (5 pages, plus supplemental tables - PDF
New Funding Formula Seeks to Alter School Budget Disparities (PDF
Format) October 10, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 11 pages |
Contributing Factors: Disparities In 2005 Classroom Spending (PDF
Format) October 10, 2007; Background Paper, 13 pages |
The Shelter Allowance Increase–How Will it Affect NYCHA's Budget?
(PDF Format) September 20, 2007; Testimony, 2 pages |
New Welfare Rules May Be Costly for the City (PDF Format) July
3, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
A Review of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Financial Outlook and
Options for Closing the Gaps (PDF Format) June 2007;
(14 pages)
Staten Island Ferry: Rising Costs Lead Spending to Double (PDF
Format) March 6, 2007; Newsfax Article |
The Status of NYCHA's "Plan to Preserve Public Housing"
(PDF Format) January 10, 2007; Testimony, 2 pages |
Since 2000, Funding Changes Cause Annual Uncertainty for Summer Jobs Program
(PDF Format) June 2006; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
NYCHA's Plan to Preserve Public Housing (PDF Format) June 13,
2006; Testimony, 3 pages
Examining NYCHA's Plan to Preserve Public Housing (PDF Format)
June 8, 2006; Letter Attachment, 18 pages |
The Rising Cost of the Early Intervention Program (PDF Format)
January 27, 2006; Newsfax Article |
As City Plans Child Care Improvements, Funding Tightens (PDF Format)
December 29, 2005; Report (6 pages and supplemental table)
Supplementary Table:
New York City Child Care Funding by Program Source
Adoption Subsidy Spending Grows, But City Saves (PDF Format)
December 6, 2005; Fiscal Brief |
Progress Report: The Mayor's Social Services Streamlining Plan (PDF
Format) October 27, 2005; Newsfax Article |
The Transportation Bond Act of 2005 (PDF Format) October
17, 2005; (2 pages) |
City Faces New Community Development Block Grant Cuts (PDF Format)
October 11, 2005; Newsfax Article
Supplementary Table:
City's Use of CDBG Funds by Program
State Saves as City Bears Added Jail Costs for Felony Cases (PDF Format)
September 29, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages
Supplementary Table:
Selected statistics on arrests, felonies, jail time, and related data
Lawsuit Remains Unsettled, But School Spending Continues to Rise (PDF
Format) July 20, 2005; Newsfax Article
Supplementary Table:
Details of 15-Year School Spending
The Governor's Budget Proposals and a Fair Share State Budget (PDF
Format) March 11, 2005; Testimony, 3 pages |
While Fewer in City Receive Welfare, Many More Get SSI (PDF Format)
December 2, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Heat and Hot Water Emergencies (PDF Format) November 16, 2004;
Testimony, 2 pages
Heating Home Assistance Program Provides Little Comfort for Many City Residents
(PDF Format) November 9, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Running on Empty: The MTA’s 2005 Budget and Financial Plan (PDF Format)
November 2004; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages
Go Figure: How a Bigger Education Budget Became Less Money for Schools
(PDF Format) October 26, 2004; Newsfax Article |
The City’s Changing Uses of HOME Funds (PDF Format) Octpber
2004; Background Paper, 4 pages
Three Years After: Where Is the $20 Billion in Federal WTC Aid? (PDF
Format) August 11, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Settling School Finance Suit May Cost City Millions (PDF Format)
May 27, 2004; Newsfax Article |
The City's Use of Battery Park City Authority Funds (PDF Format)
May 26, 2004; Letter and Attachment, 7 pages
The Future of Enhanced Vouchers: Cost and Considerations for a City Program to
Supplement Federal Section 8 Rental Assistance (PDF Format) May
11, 2004; Memo, 12 pages
The City's Rising Share of the Cost of Policing Public Housing (PDF
Format) April 29, 2004; Testimony, 2 pages
As Federal Aid Drops, City's Cost for Policing Public Housing Climbs
(PDF Format) April 15, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Child Health Clinics Face Budget Cuts, Again (PDF Format) April
1, 2004; Newsfax
Appendix: Name and Location of Child
Health Clinics
Clause in Medicare Bill Blocked Hundreds of Millions in Potential City Savings
(PDF Format) January 22, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Will New State Law Help Reclaim New York's Brownfields? (PDF Format)
December 1, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages
World Trade Center Assistance: Aid Received, Aid to Come (PDF Format)
July 31, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Federal Changes May Mean Less Housing Aid for the City (PDF Format)
July 21, 2003; Newsfax Article, 3 pages |
No Cents? Federal Subsidies for School Repairs Forfeited (PDF Format)
July 10, 2003; Newsfax Article |
As Medicaid Enrollment Has Surged, Composition of the Caseload Has Changed
(PDF Format) June 12, 2003; Background Paper, 3 pages
Albany Budget Relief: How Much in City Gap-Closing Help? (PDF Format)
June 5, 2003; Fiscal Brief
Supplement: What the
Income Tax Changes Mean to New York City Filers
Mayor's Social Service Streamlining Plan: Savings without Pain? (PDF
Format) May 15, 2003; Fiscal Brief |
New York City's $4 Billion Medicaid Bill: What Is Driving the Rise in Costs?
(PDF Format) May 7, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Considering Secession from the State (PDF Format) May 1, 2003;
Testimony, 3 pages
The Cost of Keeping Mitchell-Lama Housing Affordable (PDF Format)
April 7, 2003; Newsfax Article |
City's Reliance on State and Federal Funds for Child Care Grows (PDF
Format) December 2002; Background Paper, 6 pages |
Where Have All the New Child Care Dollars Gone? (PDF Format)
December 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Can Another NY/NY Deal Deliver Housing for the Mentally Ill Homeless and City
Savings? (PDF Format) October 25, 2002; Newsfax Article |
The Effectiveness of 9/11 Small Business Assistance Programs (PDF
Format) October 7, 2002; Testimony, 4 pages |
The Cost of an Adequate Education for the City's Students (PDF Format)
September 23, 2002; Testimony, 3 pages
K-3 Class Size Drops, But 77,500 Children Still in Classes with Over 25 Students
(PDF Format) September 19, 2002; Newsfax Article
Supplemental Table: Variations
in K-3 Class Size by School District
Rising Homelessness Threatens Higher City Costs (PDF Format)
September 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Schools' Budget: One-Shots Now, Cuts Later? (PDF Format) August
9, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Expanding Homeownership Opportunities for Low- and Moderate-Income New Yorkers
(PDF Format) August 2002; Background Paper (8 pages) |
Summertime Blues: Nearly 15,000 Fewer Summer Jobs for Teens (PDF Format)
July 18, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Lower Manhattan Economic Recovery Aid: Who's Benefitting? (PDF Format)
June 27, 2002; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center Aid: Too Much for Some Needs, Not Enough for Others?
(PDF Format) May 28, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Raising Work Quotas for Welfare Recipients: A Costly Challenge for the City
(PDF Format) May 22, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Private Buses, Public Subsidies: Will New York Continue to Ride With the Current
Franchise Deal? (PDF Format) May 2, 2002; Policy
Brief (8 pages) |
Plans for Using Special Federal Community Development Funds Allocated to the
City After September 11 (PDF Format) April 23, 2002;
Letter (4 pages) |
Effect of the Federal Stimulus Act on the City's Tax Revenues (PDF
Format) March 2002; Letter, 6 pages
- Technical
Give 'Em Shelter: Various City Agencies Spend Over $900 million on Homeless
Services (PDF Format) March 7, 2002; Fiscal Brief, 12
Governor Wants Remaining Welfare Surplus to Help Close Budget Gap (PDF
Format) February 25, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Estimate of Differences in Per-Pupil Spending Between NYC and High-Performing
School Districts Statewide (PDF Format) February 15, 2002;
Letter, 2 pages
Federal Aid to New York City in the Aftermath of September 11th: How Much, and
for What? (PDF Format) February 11, 2002; Testimony, 11
pages |
New York's Access-A-Ride Program: Costs and Funding Sources (PDF Format)
February 8, 2002; Fiscal Brief |
Rising Homelessness Pushes Homeless Services Budget Higher (PDF Format)
December 13, 2001; Newsfax Article |
The Aftermath: How Much Federal Aid for New York? (PDF Format)
November 20, 2001; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center Disaster: Tracking Federal Aid for Cleanup and Rebuilding
(PDF Format) September 28, 2001; Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
Back-to-School Budget Blues (PDF Format) August 30, 2001;
Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
Supplemental School Budget Table (2 pages - 59K PDF)
New York's Increasing Dependence on the Welfare Surplus August
2001; Report, 6 pages |
Crime Bill Funding Only Half the Story May 29, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Fees, Fines, and Other
Non-Tax Revenue back to
top |
Behind the Wheel: Who Drives Into The Proposed "Congestion Zone?" (PDF
Format) December 11, 2007; Newsfax Article, 3 pages
Fees at City Recreation Centers: More Pay, Fewer Play (PDF Format)
March 2006; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
Parking Violations Hearing-by-Mail Dispositions (PDF Format)
March 6, 2006; Letter, 2 pages |
New Federal Telecom Bills Could Tune Out Millions of Dollars for the City
(PDF Format) February 9, 2006; Newsfax Article |
Expansion of the Bottle Bill and the Return of Unclaimed Deposits to
Municipalities (PDF Format) June 3, 2004; Testimony, 2
The City's Use of Battery Park City Authority Funds (PDF Format)
May 26, 2004; Letter and Attachment, 7 pages
Bridge Tolls: Who Would Pay? And How Much? (PDF Format) October
7, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages |
Is Everything Going to Be Fine(d)? An Overview of New York City Fine Revenue and
Collection (PDF Format) May 29, 2003; Report (28 pages) |
Health and Social
Services (see also Welfare)
back to top
Testimony to the New York
City Council on Intro 221-A — Grab Bar Tax Abatement
(PDF Format) June 3, 2008; Testimony,
2 pages |
Federal Medicaid Changes
Pose Major Budget Risks to the City's Hospitals (PDF Format)
May 13, 2008;
Newsfax, 3 pages |
311 Customer Service Center:
More Calls and a Growing Budget (PDF Format) April 16, 2008;
Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
Larger City Subsidy Saves Public Hospitals, For
Now (PDF Format)
March 11, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
Fiscal Impact of Implementing a Tax Abatement for the Installation of Grab Bars
February 5, 2008; (3 pages, Letter - PDF Format) |
IBO Analysis of Senior Options Pilot in the Bronx February 4,
2008; (4 pages, Letter - PDF Format)
Home Care for Seniors: Trends In Service Levels and Costs (PDF Format)
January 3, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages
The Rising Cost of the City’s Juvenile Justice System (PDF Format)
December 18, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
Higher Cigarette Tax Has Led to More Tax Revenue, More Tax Evasion (PDF
Format) October 19, 2007; Newsfax Article |
New Welfare Rules May Be Costly for the City (PDF Format) July
3, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
City Spending on Domestic Violence: A Review (PDF Format) June
18, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages |
Access-A-Ride: With More Riders, Costs Are Rising Sharply
(PDF Format) September 2006; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
Alternative to Jail Programs for Juveniles Reduce City Costs (PDF
Format) July 11, 2006; Newsfax Article |
Since 2000, Funding Changes Cause Annual Uncertainty for Summer Jobs Program
(PDF Format) June 2006; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
First Year Finds Lead Paint Law Not as Costly as Predicted (PDF Format)
January 20, 2006; Fiscal brief, 6 pages |
As City Plans Child Care Improvements, Funding Tightens (PDF Format)
December 29, 2005; Report (6 pages and supplemental table)
Supplementary Table:
New York City Child Care Funding by Program Source
Progress Report: The Mayor's Social Services Streamlining Plan (PDF
Format) October 27, 2005; Newsfax Article |
City's AIDS Services Caseload Growth Slows (PDF Format) August
10, 2005; Newsfax Article |
Update on City Homelessness Prevention Spending (PDF Format)
May 17, 2005; Letter, 3 pages |
While Fewer in City Receive Welfare, Many More Get SSI (PDF Format)
December 2, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Cost of Implementing Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (1 pages -PDF Format)
October 18, 2004; Letter
Attachment (7 pages -PDF
Despite Recession, Welfare Reform and Labor Market Changes Limit Public
Assistance Growth (PDF Format) August 2004; (6
pages) |
Child Health Clinics Face Budget Cuts, Again (PDF Format) April
1, 2004; Newsfax
Appendix: Name and Location of Child
Health Clinics
Aging Out: From Foster Care to Homeless Shelters? (PDF Format)
March 24, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Clause in Medicare Bill Blocked Hundreds of Millions in Potential City Savings
(PDF Format) January 22, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Lead Poisoning Prevention Act/Into 101A (PDF Format) November
17, 2003; Testominy, 1 page
Homeless Prevention Spending Flat, But Programs Changing (PDF Format)
October 23, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Results of Review of IBO and Administration Analyses of the Fiscal Impact of
Intro 101A (The Lead Paint Bill) (PDF Format) September 10,
2003; Letter, 19 pages
Senior Services Transferred, Subsidized Employment Increased at Housing
Authority (PDF Format) July 10, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Getting the Lead Out: The Fiscal Impact of Intro 101A, the New York City
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 2003 (PDF Format)
June 18, 2003; Fiscal Impact Statement, 28 pages
As Medicaid Enrollment Has Surged, Composition of the Caseload Has Changed
(PDF Format) June 12, 2003; Background Paper, 3 pages
Mayor's Social Service Streamlining Plan: Savings without Pain? (PDF
Format) May 15, 2003; Fiscal Brief |
New York City's $4 Billion Medicaid Bill: What Is Driving the Rise in Costs?
(PDF Format) May 7, 2003; Newsfax Article |
City's Reliance on State and Federal Funds for Child Care Grows (PDF
Format) December 2002; Background Paper, 6 pages |
Where Have All the New Child Care Dollars Gone? (PDF Format)
December 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Current Spending on Lead Hazard Reduction (PDF Format) November
14, 2002; Background Paper, 3 pages
Can Another NY/NY Deal Deliver Housing for the Mentally Ill Homeless and City
Savings? (PDF Format) October 25, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Rising Homelessness Threatens Higher City Costs (PDF Format)
September 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Raising Work Quotas for Welfare Recipients: A Costly Challenge for the City
(PDF Format) May 22, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Give 'Em Shelter: Various City Agencies Spend Over $900 million on Homeless
Services (PDF Format) March 7, 2002; Fiscal Brief, 12
New York's Access-A-Ride Program: Costs and Funding Sources (PDF Format)
February 8, 2002; Fiscal Brief |
City Spending on Housing for People with HIV and AIDS (PDF Format)
January 11, 2002; Letter to Housing Works, 3 pages |
Rising Homelessness Pushes Homeless Services Budget Higher (PDF Format)
December 13, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Federal & State spending on HIV/AIDS-related programs in New York City
(PDF Format) February 12, 2001; Letter, 4 pages, plus
supplemental tables |
AIDS Housing Assistance: Budget Update (PDF Format) October 13,
2000; Newsfax Article |
Child Care Inventory May 29, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Has Medicaid Managed Care Moved from the Mainstream? April 24,
2000; Newsfax Article |
Pest Control Expenditures March 20, 2000; Newsfax
Article |
Preventing Lead Poisoning in Children: Local Law 38 March 13,
2000; Newsfax Article |
Health Care Reform Act of 2000: An Overview February 28, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Budget Facts: Department of Homeless Services, 1994-2000
January 24, 2000; Newsfax Article |
back to top |
Testimony to the New York City
Council on Uniting for Solutions Beyond Shelter
(PDF Format) September 23, 2008; Testimony,
2 pages
Has the Rise in
Homelessness Prevention Spending Decreased the Shelter Population? (PDF Format)
August 7, 2008; Newsfax, 4 pages, plus supplement
Update on City Homelessness Prevention Spending (PDF Format)
February 26, 2007; Letter, 3 pages
Update on City Homelessness Prevention Spending (PDF Format)
May 17, 2005; Letter, 3 pages |
Evaluating the Fiscal Impact of the Housing Stability Plus Program (PDF
Format) March 1, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 12 pages |
Aging Out: From Foster Care to Homeless Shelters? (PDF Format)
March 24, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Homeless Prevention Spending Flat, But Programs Changing (PDF Format)
October 23, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Rising Homelessness Threatens Higher City Costs (PDF Format)
September 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Give 'Em Shelter: Various City Agencies Spend Over $900 million on Homeless
Services (PDF Format) March 7, 2002; Fiscal Brief, 12
Housing and Community
Development back to
top |
Department of Buildings
Expenses and Revenues for Fiscal Years 2004-2009 (PDF Format)
October 16, 2008; Letter, 3 pages |
Fiscal Impact: Eliminating
Professional Certification
(PDF Format) August 20, 2008; Letter, 4 pages |
Testimony to the
New York City Council on the Equal Access to Housing Services Act
(PDF Format) March 27, 2008; Testimony,
2 pages |
Mapping the Mayor's Housing Plan: Units
by Location and Program (PDF Format)
March 4, 2008; Maps, 9 pages
421a Expiring Exemptions (PDF Format) February 8, 2008;
Letter, 4 pages
The Mayor’s New Housing Marketplace Plan: Progress to Date And Prospects for
Completion (PDF Format) November 9, 2007; Fiscal Brief,
14 pages
Mayor’s Housing Plan: Progress to Date; Prospects for Completion (PDF
Format) November 9, 2007; Newsfax Article, 3 pages
The Shelter Allowance Increase–How Will it Affect NYCHA's Budget?
(PDF Format) September 20, 2007; Testimony, 2 pages |
Estimating the Cost of the Equal Access to Housing Services Act (PDF
Format) April 24, 2007; Letter, 5 pages |
The Status of NYCHA's "Plan to Preserve Public Housing"
(PDF Format) January 10, 2007; Testimony, 2 pages |
Twenty-Five Years After S7000A: How Property Tax Burdens
Have Shifted in New York City
(PDF Format) December 2006; Report, 61 pages |
NYCHA's Plan to Preserve Public Housing (PDF Format) June 13,
2006; Testimony, 3 pages
Examining NYCHA's Plan to Preserve Public Housing (PDF Format)
June 8, 2006; Letter Attachment, 18 pages |
Several Years After, City’s Housing Rehabs Are Still in Good Repair
(PDF Format) June 5, 2006; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
First Year Finds Lead Paint Law Not as Costly as Predicted (PDF Format)
January 20, 2006; Fiscal brief, 6 pages |
City Faces New Community Development Block Grant Cuts (PDF Format)
October 11, 2005; Newsfax Article
Supplementary Table:
City's Use of CDBG Funds by Program
City's AIDS Services Caseload Growth Slows (PDF Format) August
10, 2005; Newsfax Article |
Evaluating the Fiscal Impact of the Housing Stability Plus Program (PDF
Format) March 1, 2005; Fiscal Brief, 12 pages |
Heat and Hot Water Emergencies (PDF Format) November 16, 2004;
Testimony, 2 pages
Heating Home Assistance Program Provides Little Comfort for Many City Residents
(PDF Format) November 9, 2004; Newsfax Article
Cost of Implementing Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (1 pages -PDF Format)
October 18, 2004; Letter
Attachment (7 pages -PDF
The City’s Changing Uses of HOME Funds (PDF Format) October
2004; Background Paper, 4 pages
A Closer Look at the New Housing Opportunities Program (PDF Format)
July 2004; Background Paper, 5 pages
The City's Use of Battery Park City Authority Funds (PDF Format)
May 26, 2004; Letter and Attachment, 7 pages
The Future of Enhanced Vouchers: Cost and Considerations for a City Program to
Supplement Federal Section 8 Rental Assistance (PDF Format) May
11, 2004; Memo, 12 pages
The City's Rising Share of the Cost of Policing Public Housing (PDF
Format) April 29, 2004; Testimony, 2 pages
As Federal Aid Drops, City's Cost for Policing Public Housing Climbs
(PDF Format) April 15, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Aging Out: From Foster Care to Homeless Shelters? (PDF Format)
March 24, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Priorities Shift in City's Plans for Spending on Housing (PDF Format)
December 4, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Lead Poisoning Prevention Act/Into 101A (PDF Format) November
17, 2003; Testominy, 1 page
Homeless Prevention Spending Flat, But Programs Changing (PDF Format)
October 23, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Cost Estimates of Proposals to Expand Eligibility for the Senior Citizen Rent
Increase and Homeowners Tax Exemptions (PDF Format) October 20,
2003; Testimony, 3 pages
Results of Review of IBO and Administration Analyses of the Fiscal Impact of
Intro 101A (The Lead Paint Bill) (PDF Format) September 10,
2003; Letter, 19 pages
The Effect of Historic Districts on Residential Property Values (PDF
Format) September 9, 2003; Background Paper, 10 pages
Analysis of Assembly Bill to Expand SCRIE Eligibility (PDF Format)
August 7, 2003; Letter, 2 pages
Unintended Consequences: New Absentee Landlord Surcharge Will Hit Poorer
Neighborhoods Hardest (PDF Format) August 5, 2003;
Newsfax Article |
Federal Changes May Mean Less Housing Aid for the City (PDF Format)
July 21, 2003; Newsfax Article, 3 pages |
Getting the Lead Out: The Fiscal Impact of Intro 101A, the New York City
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 2003 (PDF Format)
June 18, 2003; Fiscal Impact Statement, 28 pages
Estimated Cost to the City of Changing SCRIE Rules for Seniors Who Have a
Permanent Reduction in Income (PDF Format) June 16, 2003;
Testimony, 4 pages
J-51 Property Tax Exemptions and Abatements (PDF Format) June
4, 2003; Memo, 9 pages
Review of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development's Article 7A
Program (PDF Format) May 9, 2003; Memo, 7 pages
The Cost of Keeping Mitchell-Lama Housing Affordable (PDF Format)
April 7, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Mayor Bloomberg's Housing Plan: Down Payment on the Future (PDF
Format) February 26, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages
Saving Homes: City Spending on Housing Preservation Grows (PDF
Format) February 19, 2003; Background Paper, 8 pages
Worth the Cost? Evaluating the 421-a Property Tax Exemption (PDF
Format) January 9, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages
Current Spending on Lead Hazard Reduction (PDF Format) November
14, 2002; Background Paper, 3 pages
Can Another NY/NY Deal Deliver Housing for the Mentally Ill Homeless and City
Savings? (PDF Format) October 25, 2002; Newsfax Article |
The Community Stability Small Homeowner Tax Credit (PDF Format)
October 15, 2002; Letter, 8 pages |
Expanding the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (PDF Format)
October 11, 2002; Testimony, 2 pages |
Rising Homelessness Threatens Higher City Costs (PDF Format)
September 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Expanding Homeownership Opportunities for Low- and Moderate-Income New Yorkers
(PDF Format) August 2002; Background Paper (8 pages) |
Expanding Eligibility for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption
(PDF Format) April 2, 2002; Testimony (2 pages) |
Give 'Em Shelter: Various City Agencies Spend Over $900 million on Homeless
Services (PDF Format) March 7, 2002; Fiscal Brief, 12
City Spending on Housing for People with HIV and AIDS (PDF Format)
January 11, 2002; Letter to Housing Works, 3 pages |
The Effect of Historic Districts on Property Values (PDF Format)
August 31, 2001; Letter, 2 pages
Easing Rent Burdens for Seniors and the Disabled (PDF Format)
August 3, 2001; Newsfax Article
Supplement: Expanding SCRIE (PDF Format) |
Mayor's New Housing Plan: Following the Money, Detailing the Programs
(PDF Format) February 28, 2001; Newsfax Article |
HPD's Capital Budget (PDF Format) December 2000;
Letter, 7 pages |
HPD's Capital Budget for In-Rem Privatization (PDF Format)
December 2000; Letter, 4 pages |
Department of Buildings Construction Permit Revenues (PDF Format)
October 20, 2000; Letter, 8 pages |
AIDS Housing Assistance: Budget Update (PDF Format) October 13,
2000; Newsfax Article |
New York City's Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds
July 31, 2000; Newsfax Article |
HPD Code Enforcement: Resources and Level of Effort (PDF Format)
July 2000; Letter, 7 pages |
Extending the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) to the Disabled
(Fiscal Impact of Senate Bill 484) (PDF Format) July 2000;
Letter, 4 pages |
Municipal Workforce
back to top |
How Much Will the
Proposed Early-Retirement Bill Cost the City? (PDF Format)
June 18, 2008; Newsfax, 4 pages, plus appendix
City Labor Costs: Growth Rate Slows, For Now (PDF Format)
January 25, 2005; Newsfax Article |
Paying for the City's Workforce: Costs Rise as Headcount Falls (PDF
Format) November 6, 2003; Newsfax Article |
What's Driving New York City's Growing Pension Burden? (PDF Format)
August 13, 2003; Newsfax Article |
The Municipal Workforce: Big As A Decade Ago, But Composition Has Changed
(PDF Format) December 11, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Parks, Cultural
Affairs and Libraries back to
top |
Library Funding: Subsidies Rebound, Disparities Remain (PDF Format)
July 12, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages
Parks: Private Funding (PDF Format) December 13, 2006;
Letter, 5 pages
Fees at City Recreation Centers: More Pay, Fewer Play (PDF Format)
March 2006; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages |
End of the Green for Parks? After A Four-Year Rise, Funding May tumble
(PDF Format) May 9, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Broadening the Cultural Challenge: Major Changes Have Altered the Distribution
of a Key City Arts Fund (PDF Format) January 15, 2002;
Fiscal Brief, 4 pages |
Recent Trends in Capital Commitments for the Department of Cultural Affairs
April 24, 2001; Letter |
Use of Work Experience Program Participants at the Department of Parks and
Recreation (PDF Format) November 1, 2000; Newsfax
Article |
Measurement and Productivity
back to top |
Police Overtime: Tracking the Big Growth in Spending (PDF Format)
April 29, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 Pages |
Evaluation of the Performance of the Department of Design and Construction in
Improving the Speed and Cost-Efficiency of Capital Construction Projects
(PDF Format) March 29, 2004; Memo, 6 pages
Refuse and Recycling: Comparing the Costs (PDF Format) February
2, 2004; Report
Proposed Charter Revisions to Eliminate the Preliminary Mayor's Management
Report (PDF Format) October 16, 2003; Testimony, 2
Paying for the City's Workforce: Costs Rise as Headcount Falls (PDF
Format) November 6, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Improving the Efficiency of City Services (PDF Format) May 29,
2003; Testimony, 3 pages
Civilianization and the New York City Police Department (PDF
Format) April 19, 2002; Testimony (5 pages) |
The Structure and Content of the Mayor's Management Report (PDF
Format) April 11, 2002; Testimony (3 pages) |
What About My Street? How the City Can Improve Its Tracking of Service Delivery
(PDF Format) February 28, 2002; Policy Brief, 8 pages |
The Municipal Workforce: Big As A Decade Ago, But Composition Has Changed
(PDF Format) December 11, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Full Disclosure? Assessing City Reporting on Business Retention Deals
June 2001; Report, 12 pages |
Judgement and Claims Update: Large Settlement May Mean Additional Costs
(PDF Format) January 30, 2001; Newsfax Article |
New York City's Escalating Costs for Resolving Lawsuits (PDF Format)
January 3, 2001; Newsfax Article |
back to top |
The Rising Cost of the City’s Juvenile Justice System (PDF Format)
December 18, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages
City Spending on Domestic Violence: A Review (PDF Format) June
18, 2007; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages |
NYPD Uniformed Hiring and Retention (PDF Format) June 4, 2007;
Testimony, 3 pages |
The City's Rising Share of the Cost of Policing Public Housing (PDF
Format) April 29, 2004; Testimony, 2 pages
Police Overtime: Tracking the Big Growth in Spending (PDF Format)
April 29, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 Pages |
As Federal Aid Drops, City's Cost for Policing Public Housing Climbs
(PDF Format) April 15, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Rise in CCRB Funding Leads to More Completed Investigations (PDF Format)
July 24, 2002; Fiscal Brief |
Albany Considers Bills to Slow Retirement of City Police (PDF Format)
June 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Civilianization and the New York city Police Department (PDF
Format) April 19, 2002; Testimony (5 pages) |
The Future Cost of the Police Force (PDF Format) November 21,
2000; Testimony, 4 pages |
Maintaining Historically Large Police Force Presents Challenges (PDF
Format) September 29, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Crime Bill Funding Only Half the Story May 29, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
back to top |
More Recycling Needed to Help Lower City’s Trash Costs (PDF Format)
May 1, 2007; Newsfax, 3 pages |
Update: The Waste Stream Managed by the Department of Sanitation, 2000-2004
(PDF Format) November 19, 2004; Report 5 pages
Expansion of the Bottle Bill and the Return of Unclaimed Deposits to
Municipalities (PDF Format) June 3, 2004; Testimony, 2
Under New Plan Cost of Disposing Curbside Waste Grows, For Now (PDF
Format) June 3, 2005; Newsfax Article
Supplementary Table: The
Changing Economics of Recycling
Changing the Local Law 19 Tonnage Requirements for Recycled Material
(PDF Format) April 29, 2004; Testimony, 3 pages
Recycling in the City of New York (PDF Format) March 3, 2004;
Testimony, 2 pages
Refuse and Recycling: Comparing the Costs (PDF Format) February
2, 2004; Report
Updated: Detailed Summary of Individual Interim Export Contracts (PDF
Format) May 16, 2003; Summary Table, 2 pages
Volume of "MGP" Recyclables to Drop 80 Percent, City Saves $40 Million
(PDF Format) July 18, 2002; Newsfax Article |
An Overview: The Waste Stream Managed by the NYC Department of Sanitation
(PDF Format) February 2001; Report (34 pages) |
Closing Fresh Kills Means Mounting Costs to Dispose of New York City's Garbage
(PDF Format) February 5, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Supplementary Table: Detailed Summary of Individual Interim Export Contracts
Timeline for Completion of Linden, New Jersey Enclosed Barge Unloading Facility
Letter (PDF Format) November 24, 2000; Letter, 4 pages |
City Proposes Garbage Export Plan July 17, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Tax Policy
back to top |
With Changes to Commercial
Property Tax Program, Breaks Will Not be as Costly for the City (PDF Format)
August 28, 2008; Fiscal Brief, 13 pages, plus supplement
E-Commerce: Eroding City's Sales
Tax Revenue
(PDF Format) August 21, 2008; Fiscal Brief,
6 pages
Testimony to the New York
City Council on Intro 221-A — Grab Bar Tax Abatement
(PDF Format) June 3, 2008; Testimony, 2 pages
Fiscal Impact of Implementing a Tax Abatement for the Installation of Grab Bars
February 5, 2008; (3 pages, Letter - PDF Format)
Testimony Regarding the Madison Square Garden Property Tax Exemption (PDF
Format) January 9, 2008; Testimony, 2 pages
Higher Cigarette Tax Has Led to More Tax Revenue, More Tax Evasion (PDF
Format) October 19, 2007; Newsfax Article |
Atlantic Yards Tax Exempt Financing (PDF Format) September 21,
2007; Letter, 2 page |
Foregone City, State, and Federal Revenue from Use of Tax-Exempt Bonds for New
Yankee Stadium (PDF Format) August 9, 2007; Letter, 1
page |
Yankee Stadium Update (PDF Format) July 19, 2007;
Letter, 1 page |
Proposed Child Care Credit Would Erase City Tax Burden for Some Families
(PDF Format) June 12, 2007; Newsfax Article |
Comparing State and Local Taxes in Large U.S. Cities (PDF Format)
February 2007; Fiscal Brief, 21 pages
Twenty-Five Years After S7000A: How Property Tax Burdens
Have Shifted in New York City
(PDF Format) December 2006; Report, 61 pages |
Recent Hudson Yards and Number 7 Extension Agreements
(PDF Format) October 10, 2006; Testimony, 3 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Mets Stadium (PDF Format)
April 20, 2006; Memo, 6 pages |
Financing Plans for the New Yankee Stadium (PDF Format)
April 10, 2006; 5 pages
Will the City's Property Transfer Taxes Remain Flush? (PDF Format)
December 13, 2005; Newsfax Article |
President's Tax Panel May Have Costly Plan for the City (PDF Format)
October 28, 2005; Newsfax Article |
The Alternative Minimum Tax Takes A Rising Toll on the City (PDF
Format) April 26, 2005; Report, 10 pages |
Intro 584 and the Collection and Use of Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PDF
Format) March 22, 2005; Testimony, 2 pages |
The Madison Square Garden Tax Exemption (PDF Format) March 22,
2005; Testimony, 2 pages |
Intro. 373 and Shortcomings in Current Reporting Requirements on the City's
Business Retention and Creation Incentives (PDF Format) June 9,
2004; Testimony, 3 pages
The Tax Treatment of Coops and Condos (PDF Format) February 26,
2004; Testimony, 3 pages
Reviving the New York Stock Transfer Tax: Revenues and Risks (PDF
Format) November 17, 2003; Background Paper, 8 pages
Cost Estimates of Proposals to Expand Eligibility for the Senior Citizen Rent
Increase and Homeowners Tax Exemptions (PDF Format) October 20,
2003; Testimony, 3 pages
The Effect of Historic Districts on Residential Property Values (PDF
Format) September 9, 2003; Background Paper, 10 pages
Analysis of Assembly Bill to Expand SCRIE Eligibility (PDF Format)
August 7, 2003; Letter, 2 pages
Temporary Tax Hikes, Declining Revenue (PDF Format) August 13,
2003; Newsfax Article |
Unintended Consequences: New Absentee Landlord Surcharge Will Hit Poorer
Neighborhoods Hardest (PDF Format) August 5, 2003;
Newsfax Article |
Estimated Cost to the City of Changing SCRIE Rules for Seniors Who Have a
Permanent Reduction in Income (PDF Format) June 16, 2003;
Testimony, 4 pages
Albany Budget Relief: How Much in City Gap-Closing Help? (PDF Format)
June 5, 2003; Fiscal Brief
Supplement: What the
Income Tax Changes Mean to New York City Filers
J-51 Property Tax Exemptions and Abatements (PDF Format) June
4, 2003; Memo, 9 pages
Worth the Cost? Evaluating the 421-a Property Tax Exemption (PDF
Format) January 9, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages
Tax Revenue Update: Dimmer for 2003, But a Little Brighter in 2004-2006
(PDF Format) November 2002; (7 pages) |
Expanding the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (PDF Format)
October 11, 2002; Testimony, 2 pages |
Tax Tales: The City's Changing Revenue Mix Over 25 Years (PDF Format)
October 10, 2002; Newsfax Article
Supplemental Table: Share of Total
Tax Revenues for Major Tax Sources, 1977-2002
Learning from Experience: A Primer on Tax Increment Financing
(PDF Format) September 25, 2002; Fiscal Brief (7 pages) |
Improving the Local Law 69 Reports to Better Assess the City's Busniess
Retention and Attraction Deals (PDF Format) June 11, 2002;
Testimony, 3 pages
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) April 23,
2002; Report (43 pages) |
Effect of the Federal Stimulus Act on the City's Tax Revenues (PDF
Format) March 2002; Letter, 6 pages
- Technical
Tax Revenue Update: City Faces Significant Shortfalls from Adopted Budget
(PDF Format) November 16, 2001; Fiscal Brief, 9 pages |
The Effect of Historic Districts on Property Values (PDF Format)
August 31, 2001; Letter, 2 pages
Easing Rent Burdens for Seniors and the Disabled (PDF Format)
August 3, 2001; Newsfax Article
Supplement: Expanding SCRIE (PDF Format) |
2002 Budget Tax Cuts (PDF Format) July 11, 2001;
Newsfax Article |
Full Disclosure? Assessing City Reporting on Business Retention Deals
June 2001; Report, 12 pages |
Considering Tax Cuts: Current Proposals by the Mayor and the City Council
(PDF Format) May 2001; Fiscal Brief, 11 pages |
Governor's Co-STAR Plan Would Shortchange New York City (PDF Format)
April 4, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Personal Income Tax Surcharge Reduced (PDF Format) December 15,
2000; Newsfax Article |
Whither Tax Cuts August 18, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Extending the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) to the Disabled
(Fiscal Impact of Senate Bill 484) (PDF Format) July 2000;
Letter, 4 pages |
Eliminating the Personal Income Tax Surcharge March 20, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Taxing Metropolis (PDF Format) February 23, 2000;
Fiscal Brief, 16 pages
Taxing Metropolis (Appendix) (PDF Format) February 23, 2000;
Appendix, 14 pages |
Comparing Homeowner Tax Burdens Across New York State (PDF Format)
February 11, 2000; Fiscal Brief, 4 pages |
back to top |
Estimates of Average Fares and Tolls Based on The MTA's November Proposals (PDF Format)
December 9, 2008; Two letters, 7 pages
MTA Wants More Public
Subsidies, But How Much Does It Get Now? (PDF Format)
August 14, 2008; Newsfax Article, 3
Behind the Wheel: Who Drives Into The Proposed "Congestion Zone?"
(PDF Format) December 11, 2007; Newsfax Article, 3
Using Taxi Vouchers to Lower the Cost of Paratransit Service (PDF
Format) June 18, 2007; Letter with attachment, 11 pages |
A Review of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Financial Outlook and
Options for Closing the Gaps (PDF Format) June 2007;
(14 pages)
Staten Island Ferry: Rising Costs Lead Spending to Double (PDF Format)
March 6, 2007; Newsfax Article |
Estimate of Revenues and Costs of Staten Island Ferry "Tourist" Fares
(PDF Format) November 6, 2006; Letter, 5 pages |
Recent Hudson Yards and Number 7 Extension Agreements
(PDF Format) October 10, 2006; Testimony, 3 pages |
Access-A-Ride: With More Riders, Costs Are Rising Sharply
(PDF Format) September 2006; Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Budget in Staten Island (PDF
Format) April 17, 2006; Letter, 6 pages |
Parking Violations Hearing-by-Mail Dispositions (PDF Format)
March 6, 2006; Letter, 2 pages |
The Transportation Bond Act of 2005 (PDF Format) October
17, 2005; (2 pages) |
The Subway System: In a State of Good Repair or Succumbing to Deferred
Maintenance (PDF Format) April 6, 2005; Testimony, 3
pages |
Running on Empty: The MTA’s 2005 Budget and Financial Plan (PDF Format)
November 2004; Fiscal Brief, 8 pages
Impact of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Projected Operating
Deficits (PDF Format) April 29, 2004; Testimony, 4
Bridge Tolls: Who Would Pay? And How Much? (PDF Format) October
7, 2003; Fiscal Brief, 7 pages |
Principles for MTA Budget and Financial Reporting (PDF Format)
July 28, 2003; Letter, 12 pages |
NYC Transit's Budget Gap: Reviewing the Numbers (PDF Format)
January 16, 2003; Newsfax Article |
New York City Transit's Fiscal Condition (PDF Format) October
10, 2002; Testimony, 2 pages |
Private Buses, Public Subsidies: Will New York Continue to Ride With the Current
Franchise Deal? (PDF Format) May 2, 2002; Policy
Brief (8 pages) |
New York's Access-A-Ride Program: Costs and Funding Sources (PDF Format)
February 8, 2002; Fiscal Brief |
NYC Transit: Can It Stay on Fiscal Track? (PDF Format) April
24, 2001; Newsfax Article |
The Transportation Infrastructure Bond Act of 2000 (PDF Format)
October 2000; 10 pages |
MTA Capital Plan April 17, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Uniformed Services
(see also Police, Fire, Correction, Sanitation)
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NYPD Uniformed Hiring and Retention (PDF Format) June 4, 2007;
Testimony, 3 pages |
City Labor Costs: Growth Rate Slows, For Now (PDF Format)
January 25, 2005; Newsfax Article |
Police Overtime: Tracking the Big Growth in Spending (PDF Format)
April 29, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 7 Pages |
Albany Considers Bills to Slow Retirement of City Police (PDF Format)
June 12, 2002; Newsfax Article |
(see also Health and Social Services)
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Most Food Stamp Recipients no Longer Also Welfare Recipients
January 16, 2008; (5 pages, plus supplemental tables - PDF
City's AIDS Services Caseload Growth Slows (PDF Format) August
10, 2005; Newsfax Article |
While Fewer in City Receive Welfare, Many More Get SSI (PDF Format)
December 2, 2004; Newsfax Article |
Despite Recession, Welfare Reform and Labor Market Changes Limit Public
Assistance Growth (PDF Format) August 2004; (6
pages) |
With Welfare Surplus Shrinking, City Could Face $80 Million Aid Loss
(PDF Format) April 6, 2004; Fiscal Brief, 6 pages
Homeless Prevention Spending Flat, But Programs Changing (PDF Format)
October 23, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Raising Work Quotas for Welfare Recipients: A Costly Challenge for the City
(PDF Format) May 22, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Governor Wants Remaining Welfare Surplus to Help Close Budget Gap (PDF
Format) February 25, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Rising Homelessness Pushes Homeless Services Budget Higher (PDF Format)
December 13, 2001; Newsfax Article |
New York's Increasing Dependence on the Welfare Surplus August
2001; Report, 6 pages |
Growing Share of Welfare Caseload Exempt from City’s Workfare Program
(PDF Format) May 4, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Welfare and Work Revisited (PDF Format) November 1, 2000;
Newsfax Article |
Use of Work Experience Program Participants at the Department of Parks and
Recreation (PDF Format) November 1, 2000; Newsfax
Article |
NYC's Comprehensive Five-Year Workforce Investment Plan (PDF Format)
September 14, 2000; Newsfax Article |
Welfare and Work April 3, 2000; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center
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top |
The Need for Office Space and Rebuilding the World Trade Center Site
(PDF Format) March 13, 2006; Letter, 6 pages |
Three Years After: Where Is the $20 Billion in Federal WTC Aid? (PDF
Format) August 11, 2004; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center Assistance: Aid Received, Aid to Come (PDF Format)
July 31, 2003; Newsfax Article |
The Effectiveness of 9/11 Small Business Assistance Programs (PDF
Format) October 7, 2002; Testimony, 4 pages |
Lower Manhattan Economic Recovery Aid: Who's Benefitting? (PDF Format)
June 27, 2002; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center Aid: Too Much for Some Needs, Not Enough for Others?
(PDF Format) May 28, 2002; Newsfax Article |
Using Federal World Trade Center Aid to Help Close the City’s Budget Gap
(PDF Format) April 24, 2002; Letter (3 pages)
Plans for Using Special Federal Community Development Funds Allocated to the
City After September 11 (PDF Format) April 23, 2002;
Letter (4 pages) |
Effect of the Federal Stimulus Act on the City's Tax Revenues (PDF
Format) March 2002; Letter, 6 pages
- Technical
Federal Aid to New York City in the Aftermath of September 11th: How Much, and
for What? (PDF Format) February 11, 2002; Testimony, 11
pages |
The Aftermath: How Much Federal Aid for New York? (PDF Format)
November 20, 2001; Newsfax Article |
World Trade Center Disaster: Tracking Federal Aid for Cleanup and Rebuilding
(PDF Format) September 28, 2001; Newsfax Article, 2 pages |
back to top |
311 Customer Service Center:
More Calls and a Growing Budget (PDF Format) April 16, 2008;
Fiscal Brief, 5 pages |
City's Payout for Lawsuits Continues to Rise Rapidly (PDF Format)
June 13, 2006; Newsfax Article |
New Federal Telecom Bills Could Tune Out Millions of Dollars for the City
(PDF Format) February 9, 2006; Newsfax Article |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) February 12,
2004; Report, 76 pages
Paying for the City's Workforce: Costs Rise as Headcount Falls (PDF
Format) November 6, 2003; Newsfax Article |
What's Driving New York City's Growing Pension Burden? (PDF Format)
August 13, 2003; Newsfax Article |
Improving the Efficiency of City Services (PDF Format) May 29,
2003; Testimony, 3 pages
Considering Secession from the State (PDF Format) May 1, 2003;
Testimony, 3 pages
Is Everything Going to Be Fine(d)? An Overview of New York City Fine Revenue and
Collection (PDF Format) May 29, 2003; Report (28 pages) |
The Road to Adopting New York City's Budget (PDF Format) June
2004; Illustrated Guide, 2 pages
Lawsuits and the Sidewalks of New York (PDF Format) May 9,
2002; Newsfax Article |
Budget Options for New York City (PDF Format) April 23,
2002; Report (43 pages) |
The Municipal Workforce: Big As A Decade Ago, But Composition Has Changed
(PDF Format) December 11, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Down for the Count? The New York City Board of Elections (PDF Format)
March 6, 2001; Newsfax Article |
Estimated Cost of Public Funding of 2001 Elections (PDF Format)
February 20, 2001; Letter (3 pages) |
Judgement and Claims Update: Large Settlement May Mean Additional Costs
(PDF Format) January 30, 2001; Newsfax Article |
New York City's Escalating Costs for Resolving Lawsuits (PDF Format)
January 3, 2001; Newsfax Article |
About the IBO
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No Taxation Without Explanation April 3, 2000; Newsfax
Article |